Simon Aholt’s top 10 most striking phrases in Nation Branding

Simon Anholt likes to speak  hard. And that’s one of the reasons why as many people love him as hate him. Here are his 10 most striking quotes:

  • “You wouldn’t believe the number of countries which come to me and say “We’ve got a rubbish image, can we fix it?” and my question is always the same, “Is it perhaps because you have a rubbish country?” 
  • “If some bloke comes in TV and tell me that Kazakhstan is the most wonderful country on Earth, I’ll just be more persuaded that it’s rubbish”
  • “A wicked waste of taxpayers’ money which people rightly ignore”
  • “Perception, unfortunately, always trumps reality”
  • “Nation branding is a monstruous scam”
  • “The only reason why PR agencies exist is to manipulate”
  • “Reputation is everything, reality is nothing”
  • “The only remaining superpower is international public opinion.”
  • “Brands are the rock stars of commerce, and create many fans, both at home and abroad.”
  • “Nation branding does not exist; it is a myth, and rather a dangerous one.”