Belarus to discuss nation branding

As one could intuitively tell, Belarus has several image issues. But Belarusians have noted that the country’s image is sometimes more a liability than an asset, and want to turn the situation upside down. In order to discuss nation branding approaches to improve Belarus’ international image, a forum will be held on November 25-26 in Minsk.

Organized by this private company and supported by the Belarusian ministries of Trade, Culture, Economy and Tourism, the forum’s aims are threefold:

– Rise the question of urgency of country, region, city image.
– Examine international experience in promoting countries, cities and regions.
– Consider and discuss the most progressive ways of positioning and promoting the regions, cities and places of the Republic of Belarus.

The estimated quantity of participants is about 200 persons . most of them specialists, authors, representatives of large companies and authorities, as well as foreign experts.

For those interested, here’s the programme:

The First Day, November 25, Thursday

Part 1. International Experience
Place Marketing: promotion of countries, cities and regions experience.
Five innovative tools of place marketing.
International experience in promotion of countries.
Tools of place promotion: foreign countries experience.
Belarus – Germany: commonness and difference in promotion. Successful alliance.
Development of country image: international experience, suggestions for Belarus.

Part 2. Image of the Republic of Belarus
Belarus – opinion of Belarusian community abroad
Details and actions to take to form external image of the Republic of Belarus
Positioning, priorities and strategy Belarusian countries and regions development.
Minsk as the main representative of the Republic of Belarus image.
Belarus – transitional country:  marketer opinion.
Investment image of Belarus: pros and cons.
Country export and image.

The Second Day, November 26, Friday

Part 3. Tools of promotion
Belarus branding: advertiser’s insight.
PR technologies in place promotion.
Event marketing – bright moments of Belarus image.
Information activity of Belarus image on exterior markets by the Internet.
Presentation of the best contest works “Creative concept of the Republic of Belarus image”.

Part 4. Estimation and results.
-Main indicators and profits of country image.
-Influence and place of international ratings.
-Research of external in internal environment for country image formation.
-Contest works awarding

More information on this interesting forum can be found here.