What are ‘touchpoints’ in nation branding?

Branding specialists like to refer to ‘brand touchpoints’ as the instances when consumers interact with a brand. It might be a technical support service, a website, a shop or an employee.

When we speak of nation brands, what can be “nation brand touchpoints”?  Here’s a list that may come in handy:

  • Airline companies
  • Exported goods
  • People (tourists travelling abroad, people in the country you interact with, migrants or simply people you encounter on social media or fora or blogs)
  • Sportsmen, politicians celebrities of all kinds
  • Airports
  • Ads
  • Magazine stories
  • News
  • Tourist leaflets, maps, brochures
  • Politicians in the international limelight
  • Diplomacy
  • Technology, websites and apps made in the country
  • Food, cuisine, beverages
  • Photography
  • Testimonials from your acquaitances
  • Culture, fine arts, artists, movies, music
  • Cities and architecture