Nation Branding and Slovakia

In this article, Slovak author Martin Búr explores nation branding examples such as the UK’s, New Zealand’s, Australia and South Africa. He also discusses the importance of the filming industry in shaping perceptions, and traces some ideas on how Slovakia could elaborate a nation brand story. As a result of globalisation, many regional characteristics are…

Branding Slovenia

Slovenia has an identity crisis. People confound it with Slovakia. The names of the two countries, and even their flags are virtually interchangeable. Their languages are also both Slavic and so similar that both nationalities call their language with the same name: Slovenians call it “slovenski” (“slovenian”) and Slovaks also call it “slovensky” (“slovak”). The…

How Eastern Europe hired nation branding agencies

Because of well-known reasons, by 1989 countries in the former Soviet Bloc in Eastern Europe had acquired a grim image in the West. The former Communist nations in the so-called ‘Eastern Europe’ were imagined as backward, grey, poor, uneducated – somewhat inferior to the West. It may have been the work of an efficient Cold…