Survey on Brand Japan published

Following the March 11 disaster, Interbrand conducted a survey to understand changes in the way “Brand Japan” is perceived overseas. The survey looked at changes in perceptions about Japan before and after the disaster among consumers in the United States, the United Kingdom, and China. The survey covered five industries: automotive, consumer electronics, cosmetics and…

Japan’s involuntary re-branding

Japan’s reputation as a safe and efficiently-governed country has been negatively altered since the multiple disasters of March this year, but it would be a myopic mistake to think that things were fine before then. The truth is that Japan’s image has been taking a beating from well before that day when the Earth moved…

Branding a country – the Nippon-Nordic Confederation

Welcome to the Nippon-Nordic Confederation – a new country sitting on the globe’s top. This new nation is our inventive approach to what an imaginary country would be like if Tyler Brûlé, former Wallpaper* magazine founder and current editor-in-chief of cult magazine Monocle were its reigning dictator. This ain’t just plain fantasy. Well, it is,…

Historical issues handicap Japan’s nation brand

In a previous post about brand Korea, reference was made to a series of articles about Korea’s branding which were being published at the Korea Times newspaper. In this occasion, the same paper publishes an article which circundates about how some historical issues are handicapping Japan’s nation brand: Historical issues hurt Japan’s diplomatic interests in…