Palestine might not be a country yet, but it’s a nation to most people – which qualifies it to rightfully do some nation branding. And as it turns out by this story on the Financial Times, they’ve just started to create a brand-new Palestinian Institute for Public Diplomacy, which will be charged with Palestine’s nation branding…
Tag: israel
How countries introduce themselves at the Shanghai Expo
Earlier this week we looked at how countries have taken different tactics in their nation branding efforts at the Shanghai’s World Expo. But, how do these approaches render in real life? Once again, as the leading field researcher from the USC Center on Public Diplomacy at the Shanghai Expo 2010, Jay Wang has done a…
Brand Israel should integrate conflict and adversity, says advisor
If ever there was a daunting nation branding challenge, that would be Israel. We have spoken about Israel’s nation brand before: the country is notorious for being at the very end of the tail in most national perception rankings. At the 2009 EastWest’s global nation brands perception index, Israel was 192 out of 200, behind…
About Israel’s nation brand
In the last few days a couple of interesting features about Israel’s nation brand have appeared. First one is this article, in which the author explores the unfortunate reality of Israel’s nation brand (the country is one of the most abhorred country brands in the world, together with Iran), which is completely disproportioned given the…
Google Suggest reflects fame of countries
Just a quick research. The new Google Suggest feature of the search engine helps find out the real fame of countries… England is… a nation of shopkeepers Italy… is a part of what continent Scotland… is not a real country Portugal… is located where Belgium… is boring Sweden… is socialist (neutral atheist) Iceland… is green and…
Israel’s nation brand worrying
At the last edition of the Country Brands Index 2008, Israel’s only appearance was as one of top five country brands for history. It was joined by Egypt, Italy, France and Greece in a Mediterranean sweep of the category. Israel’s absence from the top ranks of the overall brand came as no surprise to Amir…
Branding Israel – a necessary makeover
Taken from here: Israel Looking for an Extreme Makeover – by Bill Berkowitz It hasn’t been the easiest year for Israel. There was this past summer’s widely condemned attack on Lebanon and the recent disclosure by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that his country has a nuclear arsenal, not to mention the ongoing death and…
The brand of Israel
[Taken from here] The tools of brand marketing throw useful analytical light on the problems Israel faces in the court of world public opinion. Sophisticated salesmanship cannot solve Israel’s fundamental problems, but the discipline of brand management has some useful lessons nevertheless for a nation that must trade, attract investment and tourists, and participate in…
Israel’s image in the world
Larry Defner has written extensively about Israel’s image in the world at this page: Nobody and nothing in the world has an army of advocates, defenders, PR people, marketers, spin-meisters and image-polishers like Israel has. This army isn’t made up just of the government, but of Jews and Judeophiles all over the world, especially in…