On-board nation branding: a missed opportunity for China?

Julien Lapka of the branding agency Flamingo has written a good post on how China is not using national carriers to do some nation-branding. The article is originall titled “Airline Nation Branding: A Missed Chinese Opportunity?” Airlines have the potential of being the most persuasive cultural ambassadors for any country. The first and last memory…

An issue of national identity

Siegel+Gale, the NYC-based branding firm, has issued an interesting, yet short, article on country branding. On “An issue of national identity”, the author tackles how we relate to our country and our neighbours. The issue of national identity cropped up again last week at Siegel+Gale…..which got me thinking about nation brands. Europe is a patchwork quilt of different cultures,…

Finnish nation branding workgroup unveils Brand Finland strategy

In 2030, Finland will be the world’s problem-solver, the report of the Country Brand Delegation states in its final report. “Our practical and forthright approach to dealing with challenges offers the country an excellent opportunity to earn distinction, for instance, in resolving problems associated with international conflicts, water shortage and education” – so says a press release…

Siegel+Gale on Egypt’s new tourism logo

Siegel+Gale reflects on Egypt’s recent change of logo in a new article published on their blog. For once,  I don’t agree with them. I loved the old Egypt logo – it was mystical, solar, serene, magic. And it featured colors we associate with Egypt. The new logo looks like a cheap watercolor painting.  And it’s not…

India’s country brand values can help the world

It’s clear that with such a long history, India has an enormous country brand potential – in tourism, culture, diplomacy, international relations, exports, et cetera. What’s less obvious, and yet more important, is how India can play a relevant role in people’s lifes across the globe. And this is entrenched in one of the main…

Can a nation be rebranded?

A brand is a mental blueprint for consumers. Virtually anything can be branded. Branding can be organic. Branding can be deliberate. Branding is malleable to an extent. You can virtually brand anything including products, people and objects. Nations, too, come branded, sometimes willfully and sometimes by accident. A nation gets a brand identity based on…

Palestinians to embark in nation branding too

Palestine might not be a country yet, but it’s a nation to most people – which qualifies it to rightfully do some nation branding. And as it turns out by this story on the Financial Times, they’ve just started to create a brand-new Palestinian Institute for Public Diplomacy, which will be charged with Palestine’s nation branding…

India – Brand that country!

With its impressive performance, Brand India is a recurrent topic on the nation branding field as the rapid changes taking place in the country force old perceptions to be updated and cope with the image of the new India rising. We’ve recently had articles like this one and this one about India’s new image. Now…

The Ripple Effect of Country Branding

Daniel Florian, associate director at the Berlin-based public affairs consultancy Dimap Communications, mentions a study by the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) whose conclusions are pretty interesting: A study by the renowned Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB) found that a positive image indeed helps to attract multinational companies. “Even after taking into account…

It’s up to corporates to build Brand India

Most successful brands have something in common. They come from a country, which has a brand image of its own and the products are strongly linked to the image of the country. Italian cars are associated with qualities of style speed, innovation and design, French perfume is sold on chicness, classiness and style, and Japanese…

Japan’s involuntary re-branding

Japan’s reputation as a safe and efficiently-governed country has been negatively altered since the multiple disasters of March this year, but it would be a myopic mistake to think that things were fine before then. The truth is that Japan’s image has been taking a beating from well before that day when the Earth moved…