Kosovo Government announced today that Saatchi & Saatchi has been chosen to develop a nation branding campaign for the newborn Balkan republic. The multinational agency was the winner of “Execution of Nation Branding and International Media Campaign for the Republic of Kosovo” international tender, a tender worth €5.7 million.
The intention to involve in a nation branding campaign was announced for the first time in September after criticism that Kosovo Government was not doing enough to promote the newborn republic and secure political recognitions. With this effort, Kosovo wants to drop negative impressions behind and introduce itself to the world with a smoother and more respectable discourse.
Kosovar Albanian officials wish to improve its image of a hotbed of ethnic discrimination, organized crime, corruption and economic mismanagment. Kosovo’s Ministry of Finance spokesman Muharrem Shahini said Saatchi & Saatchi’s Israel-based unit will run the international branding and media campaign for the newborn republic.
It will be very interesting to follow developments as how Saatchi & Saatchi will cope with the sensitivities of the region, and especially as how to articulate in a coherent manner the Serbian history of the republic with the modern-day Albanian demographic predominance.
“Kosovo is Serbia”… is the greatist branding campaign of Kosovo these days…and its established by Serbs. Thats a big problem for Saatchi.
Kossovo e 95% abitato dalle albanesi,,,,
Kossovo e albanese,,,,,
serbi sono nemici per albanesi del Kossovo,
percio vogliono fare ocupazione del Kossovo,
pero non ci arriverano mai,
perche di kossovari sono decisi che Kosovo ci sta un stato indipendente,dove le minoranze come serbi–(3% di citadini del Kossovo) del Kossovo ci hano tutte le diriti umani,
il mondo non dve credere le bugie di governo di serbia—- belgrado,
kosova eshte tok e shqiptarve eshte tok qe shkau ase ne enderr ma nuk ka me pa qe eshte e serbis jtojm shqiptar jetojm kosovar edhe do te vdesim kosovar
Initially, you congratulated the successful firm Saatchi & Saatchi, which has won the tender for the creation of an image which deserve to have, Kosovo will never be part of Serbia and Serbs in general should have this clear.
Successes firm Saatchi & Saatchi
Watch this latest exclusive video interview with Kevin Roberts, CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi where he explains why brands have become commodities because there is no differentiation in most categories.
The differentiation now is to move from a brand to become a Lovemark.
I learned a lot from this video and particularly liked the part when he shared about how can marketers look at brands innovatively to break new ground.
Full video interview @ http://bit.ly/bbP5B4